Stories of an Unschooling Family
Wednesday May 08, 2019
151: Stories from 'Curious Unschoolers'
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
This week, I'm sharing the first 3 parts of my newly published book Curious Unschoolers. I hope these stories will give you an idea of what my book is all about. Perhaps after listening to them, you'd like to read the whole book!
6:27 Curious Unschoolers
7:06 Part 1: An Introduction7:10 Something Important10:33 The Friend Who Comes to Tea13:08 Just in Case We’re Not Already Friends14:53 A Book of Stories
17:22 Part 2: An Introduction to Unschooling17:28 What is unschooling?20:48 Why Unschooling Isn’t a Method of Homeschooling32:01 Does Unschooling Work?
38:04 Part 3: What Unschooling Looks Like 38:10 What is Unschooling All About?48:12 Is Unschooling Just Living Life?54:08 The Curriculum of Life1:03:07 A Typical Unschooling Day
Show Notes
My Unschooling Book
Curious Unschoolers
Sue Elvis
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so that we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about this episode. Or you could just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Friday Apr 12, 2019
150: Unschooling Books and Bedtimes
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
This week, I'm chatting about unschooling and bedtimes.
What if our kids want to stay up late?
Can kids get up early if they have to?
Do we sometimes want our kids to go to bed early because it suits us?
What if we are criticised because of the way we parent our kids?
I share lots of stories including one about entertaining unexpected guests in my pyjamas while feeding a baby.
Also, I share
My latest unschooling book news
An excerpt from my book Curious Unschoolers.
Some family news.
And a few bits and pieces!
Show Notes
Sue Elvis
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so that we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything I talked about in this episode. You could just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
148: Our Writing Unrules for Unschoolers
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
This week, my daughter Imogen and I are chatting about unschool writing. How do unschoolers learn to write? We share my writing unrules which are based on my observations of my children who all love writing.
We talk about:
Imogen's writing story: how she learnt to write, her university degree, how she is turning her passion for writing into YA novels
How free play is the foundation for creative writing
How drawing is a form of writing
How we learn by following someone else's example
How motivation for writing must come from within a child
Books and reading
How English workbooks are unnecessary
The progress of my unschooling books
And lots more!
Show Notes
Imogen Elvis
Write. Rewrite. Read
Imogen's novel
The Crystal Tree
Write. Rewrite. Read
Homeschool Solutions with Pam Barnhill
Episode 150 of the Exploring Unschooling podcast with Pam Laricchia.
Books and Authors Mentioned
Jackie French
Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak
Rick Riordan
Alice in Wonderful by Lewis Carrol
My Instagram
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything we talked about in this episode. You could just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
147: A Big Chat About Unschooling Teenagers
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
My daughters Imogen and Sophie join me to talk about unschooling teenagers:
What do teenagers need?
Should parents introduce more structured learning during the high school years?
Or do teenagers need to be free to continue to explore their passions?
What should we do if a teenager doesn't appear to have any particular passions?
What about university?
Do parents keep teenagers safe by keeping a tight hold on them? Is this the responsible thing to do?
Or do we keep teenagers safe by giving them their freedom to discover who they are?
Should parents be friends with their teenagers?
Is it never too late to build close relationships with our teenagers?
Is it essential we do this?
These are just a few of the many questions we discuss during our big chat about unschooling teenagers!
Show Notes
Imogen Elvis
Write. Rewrite. Read
Imogen's novel
The Crystal Tree
Sophie Elvis
Sophie Elvis
My Instagram
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything we talked about in this episode. You could just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Friday Feb 01, 2019
146: Finding Unschooling in Unexpected Places and Other Things
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
This week my daughters Imogen and Sophie join me to talk about:
Imogen’s novel ‘The Crystal Tree’ and its sequel ‘The Shattering Song’
YA or Young Adult novels
Imogen’s book review videos
How parents hold the key to a child’s happiness
How some parents push their kids to fulfil their own dreams
The YA novel ‘A Thousand Perfect Notes’
Imogen’s opinion of my first unschooling book ‘Curious Unschoolers’
How we’re getting on with the formatting and publishing of my unschooling book
A progress report for my second unschooling book ‘A Radical Unschool Love’
How Sophie is teaching Imogen photography
The joy of sharing passions
Creativity and learning
How we all have bad days
How our family isn’t perfect
Sophie’s new job
Sophie’s transition from unschooling to structured learning
Sophie’s beta personal training clients
How it can be difficult for parents to accept help and advice from their children
How kids can outlearn their parents
Show Notes
A Novel
A Thousand Perfect Notes by CG Drews
Imogen Elvis
Write. Rewrite. Read
Imogen's novel
The Crystal Tree
Write. Rewrite. Read
Write. Rewrite. Read
Sophie Elvis
Sophie Elvis
My Instagram
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything I talked about in this episode. Or you could just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
145: Taking the Unschooling Yeti for a Test Drive
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
This week, my teenager Sophie joins me to test drive my new Yeti mic! Hopefully, our conversation sounds good!
We talk about:
Sophie's vlogging plans
Encouraging children's ideas
How we shouldn't be afraid to try new things
The temptation to edit our pasts and rewrite our stories
The temptation to delete early blog posts to eliminate our unschooling mistakes
The problem of looking like we've never made any mistakes
How we can impact other people's lives in a positive way
Do I have an online persona?
How we can capture our life stories
How choosing the right gift can make a difference to the receiver's life
Planning our year instead of making New Year's Resolutions
Things I want to achieve in 2019
My unschooling book news
Things Sophie wants to achieve this year
Show Notes
Imogen Elvis
Imogen Elvis
Imogen's novel
The Crystal Tree
Sophie Elvis
Sophie Elvis
My Instagram
My Unschooling Newsletter
Philip Mott's Podcast
School's Out
Sallie Borrink's Blog Post
Should Bloggers Edit Their Past
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything I talked about in this episode. Or you could just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Perhaps you have a question or topic you'd like me to discuss in a future podcast episode. Please let me know so that I can add it to my planning notes for next year.
Friday Dec 14, 2018
144: Reading Out Loud and a Generous Christmas
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
This week, I'm answering some questions about reading out loud:
What is our reading out loud process?
Should we have a time (for reading) built into the flow (of our day)?
What if this time crowds out other projects our children are working on individually?
How do we choose books?
I talk about
Why I never enjoyed listening to books being read aloud as a child
How I used to regard reading out loud as the dessert of my kids' education rather than the main course.
How we should move over and let our kids occupy the reader's chair
How we have to be patient while our kids are learning how to read out loud
My reading-out-loud experiment: What happened when I stopped correcting my daughter when she made reading-out-loud mistakes
I also return to the topic of Christmas presents:
Do presents belong only to the commercial side of Christmas or do they have spiritual significance?
Can we tell others to be generous?
Or do we only learn about generosity by experiencing it ourselves?
Show Notes
Blog Posts
Respecting Kids and Christmas Presents
The Reading Out Loud Experiment
A Main Course of Reading Out Loud
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything I talked about in this episode. Or you could just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Perhaps you have a question or topic you'd like me to discuss in a future podcast episode. Please let me know so that I can add it to my planning notes for next year.
This is my last episode for 2018. I'm taking a break over Christmas. Please join me again in 2019! Happy Christmas!
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
143: Respecting Kids and Christmas Presents
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
This week, I'm sharing some news about my unschooling book.
I'm also sharing two stories, one about respecting children, and the other about perfect Christmas presents and love.
And I'm discussing the following questions:
Is it the right of every child to be respected?
How do we show respect to children?
Do we sometimes do things for our kids only because we want them to do things for us?
Is it okay to buy and enjoy giving Christmas presents?
Is it okay to look forward to receiving them?
Can choosing and giving presents be an act of love?
Show Notes
Blog Posts
My Perfect Christmas Present Secret
Making an Aussie Bush Christmas Tree
Imogen Elvis
Imogen's Christmas Music Playlist
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything I talked about in this episode. Perhaps you have a question or topic you'd like me to discuss. Or just stop by and say hello. And please join me on Instagram!
Friday Nov 30, 2018
142: An Unschooler Talks About Life, Work and Dreams
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
This week, my teenage daughter Sophie (17) joins me to talk about:
How she balances her busy unschooling life with work
Why it's important to trust kids and not squash their ambitions
Why she is choosing not to go to university
Sophie's dream to be self-employed and how she plans to achieve it
How a lot of people react when they hear Sophie is working full time in a cafe
NaNoWriMo events and making friends
How we need to believe in our kids and cheer them on
Show Notes
Episode 133, A Balanced and Productive Unschool Life
Episode 139, Unschool Socialisation: Making Friends, Being Different
Sophie Elvis
Sue Elvis
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything we talked about in this episode. Perhaps you have a question for Sophie. Or you could just stop by and say hello. And join me on Instagram!
Friday Nov 23, 2018
141: When a Child Is No Longer Gripped by a Passion
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
This week, I'm answering the question: "Have your kids ever been between interests?"
I talk about:
Exciting times when kids are gripped by a passion
Quiet times when they appear to be drifting along
How we can help our kids during quiet times by trusting and strewing
Some strewing ideas
Show Notes
Blog Posts
When Excitement for Learning Appears to Disappear
Regaining Her Enthusiasm for Learning
Preparing our Kids for an Unknown Future: Can We Do It?
What Happened When I Strewed a Painting on the Wall
Unschooling, Strewing, and Unplanning
My Unschool Unplanning Strewing Notebook
Episode 4: Exciting Times, Slow Times, and Unschool Holidays
Episode 83: How to Start a Great Art Conversation
Novel Writing
Camp NaNoWriMo
Coding Lessons
Youtube Exercise Channel
Fitness Blender
My Unschooling Newsletter
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment about anything I talked about in this episode. Perhaps you have a question or topic you'd like me to discuss. Or just stop by and say hello. And join me on Instagram!