Stories of an Unschooling Family
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
119: When Unschooling Kids Reach the Teenage Years
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
This week, I'm talking about:
The progress of my unschooling book
How unschooling transforms families
Duty and love
Supporting young adults
How it's hard to admit mistakes and change what we're doing
How it's never too late to unschool
Possible reasons why there's a shortage of older unschooling bloggers
Why we don't need to make rules for our teenagers in order to keep them safe from the dangers of the world
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Podcast music: Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Monday Jan 29, 2018
118: Dragon Mothers and Parenting Mistakes
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
This week, I'm talking about the times when we don't like who we are and the way we're parenting our kids. I answer the following questions:
How did I get the nickname The Dragon Mother?
How did I get on top of my quick-temper and become a more calm and patient mother?
Am I now a perfect mother or do I still make mistakes?
How did my first child cope with her inexperienced dragon mother? Was she irreversibly affected by my far-from-perfect parenting?
Do we actually need to be perfect parents?
Is the unschooling life perfect?
I also tell a lot of stories during this episode.
Show Notes
Blog posts
Confessions of a Former Quick-Tempered Mother
Memories of an Inexperienced Mother
An Unschooling Imposter
Youtube channel, Imogen Elvis.
Facebook: Imogen Elvis
Instagram: Imogen Elvis
Imogen's Mad World music video
The Mad World behind-the-scenes video
Podcast music
Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review or rating this episode and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Friday Jan 19, 2018
117: Christian Unschooling and Other Things
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
This week, I'm talking about:
Christmas in summer
Evernote planners
My blogging/podcasting plans for 2018
Christian unschooling
My faith story
Being open-minded
Doing the impossible
Letting go of control
How life can change in a moment
Family news
Show Notes
Blog posts
Bringing God into the Unschooling Picture
Letting Go of Control
An Impossible Adventure
Youtube channel, Imogen Elvis.
Facebook: Imogen Elvis
Instagram: Imogen Elvis
My Youtube channel
Sue Elvis
Podcast music
Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review or rating this episode and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
116: Why it's Important to Allow Kids to Follow Their Passions and Interests
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
This week, I'm discussing the following questions:
Does planning have any place in unschooling?
Can we make attractive planners using Evernote?
Will I continue my Evernote workshop series?
How does balance fit into an unschooling life?
Why is it very important that we let our kids follow their passions and interests?
Is it okay to acknowledge our kids' talents?
Can we praise our kids?
Are we obliged to develop and use our own talents?
Can reality, lifestyle and documentary TV series provide us with lots of wonderful learning experiences?
How do we make homeschool record notes about TV shows we've watched?
Show Notes
My Evernote workshop series
50 Coloured Evernote Background Note Templates (to download)
Evernote and homeschool record keeping
My unschooling book series
Are We Incomplete Without Our Interests and Passions?
Should Unschooled Kids Live Balanced Lives?
Unschooling Sausages
The Big Painting Challenge (episodes available on Youtube at time of posting)
Blog posts about The Big Painting Challenge
Imogen Elvis on Youtube
Podcast music: Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Monday Dec 04, 2017
115: Learning During a Crisis
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
This week, I'm sharing and discussing two stories: Learning From Life and Homeschooling in a Crisis
I'm talking about those times when we don't need to strew because life is rich enough without any help from us. Maybe life is sometimes too rich. We might have a crisis to deal with that prevents us from getting involved with our kids' learning. Should we worry if we can't do all the things we normally do? And what about our homeschool records books? What will we write in them when we're learning from life or homeschooling in a crisis?
Show Notes
Evernote and homeschool record keeping
My unschooling book series
Imogen Elvis on Youtube
Podcast music: Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Monday Nov 27, 2017
114: All About Strewing
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
This week, I'm sharing and chatting about two strewing stories:
Time for Some Strewing
What to Do When Strewing is Rejected
I discuss the following questions:
What is strewing?
When do we need to do it?
How do we do it?
And what if our kids reject our strewing?
Show Notes
Blog post: Unplanning Notebooks for Strewing and Unschool Record-Keeping
Podcast episode 82: How to Start a Great Art Conversation
Blog post: What Happened When I Strewed a Painting on the Wall
My unschooling book series
Podcast music: Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Monday Nov 20, 2017
113: How Do We Encourage Our Kids to Be Independent Learners?
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Have you heard I'm writing an unschooling book? I've been working on it for a very long time but, finally, I'm making progress. While I'm writing and editing, I'm publishing a series of short podcasts, each one based on a blog post from my archive.
This week, I'm sharing and discussing the story Independent Learners, Toast and Heavy Washing Baskets.
Show Notes
Leonie's blog: Living Without School
podcast music: Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Maybe you'd like to read my unschooling book series. I'm publishing bits and pieces of my book-in-progress as blog posts.
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Monday Nov 13, 2017
112: Why I'm Not a Good Homeschooling Teacher
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
This week, I'm sharing and discussing another blog story, Why I'm Not a Good Homeschooling Teacher:
Will unschooled children really be prepared for tertiary education (if that's their goal)?
What role do I play in the education of my older teen unschoolers?
How do I record all their learning activities for homeschool registration purposes?
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
podcast music: Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Monday Nov 06, 2017
111: Critics, Unschooling, and Independent Learners
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
This week, I'm talking about:
A new podcast series
A blog post series
My unschooling book-in-progress
I'm also sharing an unschooling story: Nurturing Independent Learners and chatting about it.
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing a review and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling!
Please feel welcome to visit my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family to leave a comment on today's episode. Or just stop by to say hello!
Monday Oct 16, 2017
110: An Interview with a Teenage Radical Unschooler
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Last week, I was chatting about radical unschooling. This week, I'm interviewing Sophie (16) who is a radical unschooler. If you're unsure about this way of life, perhaps our conversation will reassure you that radical unschoolers aren't wild and irresponsible!
This is a very lively interview. I hope you enjoy it!
In this episode, Sophie and I are chatting about:
her unschooling week
her part-time job
her passions and interests and where she hopes they will lead
the importance of parent-child friendships
how unschoolers are different
siblings and how to avoid rivalry and encourage strong bonds between brothers and sisters
how we can protect our kids without making rules
how she has developed a strong sense of right and wrong
mutual trust
how unschooled kids can be themselves both in front of their friends and when they are with their family
Sophie's health and exercise challenge
our joint podcasting idea
and lots of other things!
Show Notes
Sophie's previous podcast episode
Episode 70: Trust, Respect and Love Unconditionally
Podcast music
Twombly by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Where you can find us
You'll find lots of unschooling posts in my archive on my blog Stories of an Unschooling Family.
You can find me on Instagram at sue_elvis.
Imogen Please take a look at Imogen's latest music video, Symphony which is on her Youtube channel, Imogen Elvis.
You can also find Imogen on her Facebook page, Imogen Elvis. She livestreams with the Team on Thursday mornings, Australian time.
And please watch out for a new music video on Wednesday 18th October.
You can find Sophie on Instagram at Sophie Elvis and The Technomaid.
Thank you
Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider writing an iTunes review and sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling! (Thank you, Samantha, for your recent review. Your very kind words were greatly appreciated!)
Would you like to continue the conversation?
Do you have unschooling teenagers? Are they different from most other young people? Do you make rules? And what about exercise? You could join us and accept Sophie's health and exercise challenge! I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. You could stop by my blog and say hello!